Unison Wrapped 2024

It's time to reflect and celebrate ๐ŸŽ‰

Language & tooling development

We shipped new tools and features for every part of the programming experience, from how you download libraries, to faster runtime performance, to how your codebase stores its history.




PRs merged




Release downloads

Unison Share

Unison programmers have been building a dynamic ecosystem of projects and apps. Whether youโ€™ve authored multiple libraries this year or just created your first hello-world, youโ€™re in good company.


New projects




Project releases


Project downloads

Unison Cloud

Did we mention, we released a whole Cloud computing platform in 2024? That's right, Unison Cloud hasn't yet turned 1, and already, we've added new storage capabilities and distributed computing primitives for building and deploying web applications.

Signup for free

helloWorld.logic : HttpRequest ->{Exception, Log} HttpResponse
helloWorld.logic = Route.run do
  name = route GET Parser.text
  info "request for greeting" [("name", name)]
  ok.text ("๐Ÿ‘‹ hello " ++ name ++ "\n")

helloWorld.deploy : '{IO, Exception} ()
helloWorld.deploy = Cloud.main do
  name = ServiceName.named "hello-world"
  serviceHash = deployHttp !Environment.default helloWorld.logic
  ServiceName.assign name serviceHash


You are the best part of Unison's year. We are constantly inspired by the community of friendly, helpful, and intrepid Unison programmers. Thank you for being here!

Join our Discord
Launched a newsletter 824 new people in Discord Unison Share open sourced Advent of Code Community survey Community meetup in the Netherlands

Top contributors

Hats off to these prolific public project creators:

  1. alvaroc1
  2. kylegoetz
  3. tapegram
  4. dvberkel
  5. etorreborre
  6. dfreeman

Unison Forall

We hosted the second iteration of Unison's very own programming language conference, with talks from folks around the world!

Shipped in 2024

We focused on collaboration, performance, and discovery this year.

๐Ÿ”Ž New search on share ๐Ÿš… Performance improvements
โฌ‡๏ธ New lib.install command ๐Ÿ”ƒ Improved update and merge commands
๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽ“ Unison Cloud learning portal โ†”๏ธ Diffs on Share
๐Ÿ“ฃ Blog engine ๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ Tickets on Share ๐Ÿฅ‡ Operator precedence
๐Ÿ“œ Project based history ๐Ÿ“ namespace scratch file pragma
๐Ÿ“ edit and edit.new commands ๐Ÿ” text.find command ๐Ÿค– JIT prerelease

What we're up to in 2025

We're investing in a new UI to manage and write Unison code, organizational support for collaborating with teams, more Unison libraries, and core language improvements, like record types and runtime performance boosts. It's going to be a great year. Join us!

Follow our roadmap
UCM Desktop Improved record types Unison Share notifications Scheduled jobs and cron Contribution code review BYOC: Bring your own Cloud Find usages on Unison Share Organizations on Unison Share

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