Defining your own Unison data types

We've seen a whirlwind introduction to Unison data types before, but here we'll equip you with the information you need to create your own types. We'll talk about the structural and unique keywords, and learn about Unison's syntax for defining types with named fields.

Let's say we are modeling a local library--we might want to start by representing a couple of book genre options. In a scratch.u file, we'll write something like:

type Genre
  = Fiction
  | Poetry
  | CookBooks
  | Science
  | Biography

Let's break down the anatomy of this code. The type keyword tells the UCM that we're creating a new type as opposed to a term definition. A type definition is unique or "identified by its name" by default, but it can accept a modifier of structural or an optional modifier of unique explicitly. This keyword tells Unison whether the type is unique by its name or by its structure (more on that in a bit). The values after the equals sign are known as data constructors. Each data constructor is separated by a pipe | which means that the Genre type can be Poetry or Fiction or CookBooks etc.

The data constructors for Genre above don't have any arguments, so they don't contain data beyond tagging something as being one thing or another at the moment.

By convention, the UCM will put the data constructors for a type in a namespace which shares the type name; so the data constructors for the type Genre can be referenced like Genre.Poetry or Genre.CookBooks

The meaning of "unique"

We indicated earlier that Genre is unique by its name. By applying the modifier unique we've indicated to the type system that the name of this type is semantically important. An example of a structurally identical type might be a Weekday (below):

structural type Weekday = Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri

Neither Weekday nor Genre accept type parameters to construct a value of the type, and both have five data constructors which each have zero arguments, but obviously these model very different domains. Because we've indicated that the type Genre is unique, it cannot be substituted by a Weekday or anything else with its same structure.

What happens if we create identical structural types?

Say we want to represent an author type with a name, a birth year, and a Set of Genre that they might might be filed under. Let's try to make this one a structural type.

structural type Author = Author Text Nat (Set Genre)

In this case, the struct.Author type has a single data constructor which happens to be called "Author." Following the data constructor name, we specify the types that are needed to make an author: Text, Nat, and a Set of Genre. Note that calling the data constructor here the same name as the type is just a convention, we could have given the type a differently named data constructor altogether.

Creating an instance of this struct.Author type looks like:

authorExample : Author
authorExample =
  genres = Set.fromList [CookBooks]
  Author "Julia Child" 1912 genres

We'd also like to model the idea of a book with a title, a publication year, and a set of genres that might describe it.

structural type Book = Book Text Nat (Set Genre)

Great, let's write a function which tries to find a book for a given author. In our scratch file we might write something like:

bookFinder : Author -> [(Author, Book)]-> Optional Book
bookFinder author list =
  map = Map.fromList list
  get author map

When we save our scratch file we see the following output:

⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:

  type Genre
  type Author
  type Book
  bookFinder : Author -> [(Author, Author)] -> Optional Author

Our types show up as expected, there's a Genre, an Author, and a Book that can be added, but taking a closer look at our signature for bookFinder you'll notice that the types that we wrote in our function definition earlier seem to have been changed! 🤔 This is because the types as we've defined them are equivalent to the Unison type system. Both Book and Author have data constructors which take in a Text, a Nat, and a Set of the same things. These two types are freely interchangeable in Unison programs. This is a situation in which we might want to make both types unique by their name to avoid any mix-ups. While Book and Author are structurally identical, it matters that the types mean different things.

type Author = Author Text Nat
type Book = Author Text Nat

Now our UCM output reflects our named types.

⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:

  bookFinder : Author -> [(Author, Book)]-> Optional Book

Why use structural types?

It might seem like structural types introduce confusion when modeling a domain, after all, the role of a type system is to help enforce what types are compatible with each other. Consider the following: you're a library developer and you introduce a structural type called Maybe. Maybe is fairly abstract in nature, but you intend to use it to capture when a thing "might be" present or not. (I know, suspend your disbelief here.) The things that a "Maybe" contains are not specific, so you've used the type parameters t to define it.

structural type Maybe t =  Just t | Nothing

When you save your scratch.u file to add Maybe to the codebase, you discover that it's structurally identical to the Optional data type in base.

⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:

  structural type Maybe t
    (also named Optional)

You've got a suite of helpful functions to work with already! The functions in your program which were written to return a Maybe can be manipulated by the functions for Optional.

Structural types can be useful when writing code with fewer domain-specific requirements. There are some cases in which using a structural type might reveal that you don't need to reinvent the wheel. One rule of thumb to help decide whether to make a type structural or not is to think if the type you're defining has additional semantics or expected behavior beyond the information that's given in the type signature.



  • Define a type with the type keyword type Foo = Bar Nat | Baz Text
  • A type is "unique" by default
  • Use the structural keyword to make a type which is only known by its structure, structural type Foo = Foo Nat is the same as structural type Bar = Bar Nat
  • Structural types are considered equivalent when their data constructors and parameters are structurally identical.