Unison provides the following built-in types:
is the type of 64-bit natural numbers, also known as unsigned integers. They range from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.Int
is the type of 64-bit signed integers. They range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.Float
is the type of IEEE 754-1985 double-precision floating point numbers.Boolean
is the type of Boolean expressions whose value istrue
is the type of arbitrary-length 8-bit byte sequences.Text
is the type of arbitrary-length strings of Unicode text. They can be introduced with single quotes or triple quotes, for multi-line strings.Char
is the type of a single Unicode character.- The trivial type
(pronounced “unit”) is the type of the nullary tuple. There is a single data constructor of type()
and it’s also written()
See literals for more on how values of some of these types are constructed.