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Abilities and ability handlers

Unison provides a convenient feature called abilities which lets you use the same ordinary Unison syntax for programs that do (asynchronous) I/O, stream processing, exception handling, parsing, distributed computation, and lots more. Unison's system of abilities (often called "algebraic effects" in the literature) is based on the Frank language by Sam Lindley, Conor McBride, and Craig McLaughlin. Unison diverges slightly from the scheme detailed in this paper. In particular:

  • Unison's ability polymorphism is provided by ordinary polymorphic types, and a Unison type with an empty ability set explicitly disallows any abilities. In Frank, the empty ability set implies an ability-polymorphic type.
  • Unison doesn't overload function application syntax to do ability handling; instead it has a separate handle construct for this purpose.

Abilities in function types

The general form for a function type in Unison is I ->{A} O, where I is the input type of the function, O is the output type, and A is the set of ability requirements of the function. More generally, this can be any comma-separated list of types, like I ->{A1,A2,A3} O.

A function type in Unison like A -> B is really syntactic sugar for a type A ->{e} B where e is some set of abilities, possibly empty. A function that definitely requires no abilities has a type like A ->{} B (it has an empty set of abilities).

The typechecking rule for abilities

The general typechecking rule used for abilities is this: calls to functions requiring abilities {A1,A2} must be in a context where at least the abilities {A1,A2} are available, otherwise the typechecker will complain with an ability check failure. Abilities can be made available using a handle block (discussed below) or with a type signature: so for instance, within the body of a function Text ->{IO} Nat, {IO} is available and therefore:

  • We can call a function f : Nat ->{} Nat, since the ability requirements of f are {} which is a subset the available {IO} abilities.
  • We can also call a function g : Text ->{IO} (), since the requirements of g are {IO} which is a subset of the available {IO} abilities.

For functions accepting multiple arguments, it might seem we need a different rule, but the rule is the same: the body of the function can access the abilities attached to the corresponding function type in the signature. Here's an example that won't typecheck, since the function body must be pure according to the signature:

doesNotWork : Text ->{Exception,IO} Text ->{} Nat
doesNotWork arg1 arg2 =
  printLine "Does not work!"

However, if we do the IO before returning the pure function, it typechecks just fine:

doesWork : Text ->{IO, Exception} Text -> Nat
doesWork arg1 =
  printLine "Works great!"
  arg2 -> 42

For top-level definitions which aren't contained in a function body, they are required to be pure. For instance, this doesn't typecheck:

msg = printLine "hello"

But if we say msg = '(printLine "Hello") that typechecks fine, since the printLine is now inside a function body whose requirements inferred as {IO} (try it!).

🤓 This restriction on top level definitions needing to be pure might lifted in a future version of Unison.

Ability inference

When inferring ability requirements for f, the ability requirements become the union of all requirements for functions that can be called within the body of the function.

User-defined abilities

A user-defined ability is declared with an ability declaration such as:

structural ability Store a
structural ability Store a where
  lib.base.abilities.Store.put : a ->{Store a} ()
  lib.base.abilities.Store.get : {Store a} a

Abilities need to be defined with either the structural or unique keyword. See the sections on unique types and structural-types for more detail on the difference.

This results in a new ability type constructor Store which takes a type argument a. It also create two value-level constructors named Store.get and Store.put. The idea is that Store.get provides the ability to "get" a value of type a from somewhere, and Store.put allows "putting" a value of type a somewhere. Where exactly these values of type a will be kept depends on the handler.

The Store constructors Store.get and Store.put have the following types:

The type {Store v} means that the computation which results in that type requires a Store v ability and cannot be executed except in the context of an ability handler that provides the ability.

Ability handlers

A constructor {A} T for some ability A and some type T (or a function which uses such a constructor), can only be used in a scope where the ability A is provided. Abilities are provided by handle expressions:

handle e with h

This expression gives e access to abilities handled by the function h. Specifically, if e has type {A} T and h has type Request A T -> R, then handle e with h has type R. The type constructor Request is a special builtin provided by Unison which will pass arguments of type Request A T to a handler for the ability A. Note that h must accept an argument of type Request A T to handle e of type {A} T - ultimately, a type error will result if an ability is required in a scope where it is not provided by an enclosing handle expression.

The examples in the next section should help clarify how ability handlers work.

Pattern matching on ability constructors

Each constructor of an ability corresponds with a pattern that can be used for pattern matching in ability handlers. The general form of such a pattern is:

{A.c p_1 p_2 p_n -> k}

Where A is the name of the ability, c is the name of the constructor, p_1 through p_n are patterns matching the arguments to the constructor, and k is a continuation for the program. If the value matching the pattern has type Request A T and the constructor of that value had type X ->{A} Y, then k has type Y -> {A} T.

The continuation will always be a function accepting the return value of the ability constructor, and the body of this function is the remainder of the handle .. with block immediately following the call to the constructor. See below for an example.

A handler can choose to call the continuation or not, or to call it multiple times. For example, a handler can ignore the continuation in order to handle an ability that aborts the execution of the program:

structural ability Abort
structural ability Abort where
  lib.base.abilities.Abort.abort : {Abort} a
toDefault!.handler : '{g} a -> Request {Abort} a ->{g} a
toDefault!.handler : '{g} a -> Request {Abort} a ->{g} a
toDefault!.handler default = cases
  { a }                -> a
  { Abort.abort -> _ } -> default()
use Nat + p : Nat p = handle (_eta -> let x = 4 Abort.abort x + 2) () with toDefault!.handler do 0 p

If we remove the Abort.abort call in the program p, it evaluates to 6.

Note that although the ability constructor is given the signature abort : (), its actual type is {Abort} ().

The pattern { Abort.abort -> _ } matches when the Abort.abort call in p occurs. This pattern ignores its continuation since it will not invoke it (which is how it aborts the program). The continuation at this point is the expression _ -> x + 2.

The pattern { x } matches the case where the computation is pure (makes no further requests for the Abort ability and the continuation is empty). A pattern match on a Request is not complete unless this case is handled.

When a handler calls the continuation, it needs describe how the ability is provided in the continuation of the program, usually with a recursive call, like this:

use base Request

structural ability Store v where
  get : v
  put : v -> ()

storeHandler : v -> Request (Store v) a -> a
storeHandler storedValue = cases
  {Store.get -> k} ->
    handle k storedValue with storeHandler storedValue
  {Store.put v -> k} ->
    handle k () with storeHandler v
  {a} -> a

Note that the storeHandler has a with clause that uses storeHandler itself to handle the Request`s made by the continuation. So it’s a recursive definition. The initial "stored value" of type v is given to the handler in its argument named storedValue, and the changing value is captured by the fact that different values are passed to each recursive invocation of the handler.

In the pattern for Store.get, the continuation k expects a v, since the return type of Store.get is v. In the pattern for Store.put, the continuation k expects (), which is the return type of Store.put.

It's worth noting that this is a mutual recursion between storeHandler and the various continuations (all named k). This is no cause for concern, as they call each other in tail position and the Unison compiler performs tail call elimination.

An example use of the above handler:

modifyStore : (v -> v) ->{Store v} ()
modifyStore f =
  v = get
  put (f v)

Here, when the handler receives Store.get, the continuation is v -> Store.put (f v). When the handler receives Store.put, the continuation is _ -> ().